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Biodiversity Week Cavan 2020

During Biodiversity Week, which took place from 18th to 22nd May, we celebrated the wonderful nature that surrounds us every day.

When we think of biodiversity we tend to think of the word 'wildlife', mammals such as squirrels, or perhaps birds. Biodiversity simply describes all the different types of organisms on earth, including plants, fungi, insects, spiders, as well as the diversity of ecosystems in which they are found, and the genetic diversity within each species.


It is important for us as custodians of our natural heritage to recognise its importance and value. As citizens, we all have a role to play in this and I am delighted that so many of you have embraced our heritage campaign 'Where We Belong'. The Heritage Office looks forward to receiving your information from poetry to wildlife sightings and beautiful images of our county.


Events are not possible now due to Covid-19 but the Heritage Office have marked Biodiversity Week with a series of online events which will help you to appreciate the biodiversity around you, and no matter where in Cavan you are based, there is a wealth of nature that you can safely enjoy within 5km of your home.


Have a look on Cavan Heritage Facebook page and at the blog below for demonstrations for children on how to make bird feeders and birdbaths with Sandra Coote, Crafts of Ireland, a written piece from Cavan artist Jackie O'Neill, as she shares with us how nature has inspired her artwork and how she responds to nature. We also had a series of video clips from Jampa Ling, Golden Way where residents of the community shared their heritage along the golden way, meditate in nature and a piece on gardening for biodiversity.


Remember the fun and wondering that can be found in nature, how it inspires people to learn more, see more and do more!!

Finally, we hoped you celebrated biodiversity week wherever you are in the county and make sure to share some of the findings with us 'Where We Belong' heritage campaign.

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