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Historic Structures Fund 2025


Applications are now being accepted for the Historic Structures Fund (HSF) 2025.

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has announced funding under the Historic Structures Fund (HSF) 2025. The primary focus of the HSF is to assist the conservation and enhancement of historic structures and buildings for the broader benefit of communities and the public through investing essential capital in our valuable built heritage and helping the owners and custodians of historic structures to safeguard them into the future for the benefit of communities and the public.

For 2025, the HSF will offer grants from €50,000 up to €200,000 only, and focus on larger enhancement, refurbishment or reuse projects involving heritage structures, where:


-A clear community or public benefit has been demonstrated, or

-A clear residential benefit has been demonstrated (such projects must be advanced through the planning process as necessary)


The Historic Structures Fund provides capital funding for works to qualifying structures which include the following:

-Protected Structures: Structures in the Record of Protected Structures (RPS);

-Structures eligible for or proposed for inclusion in the RPS but not yet formally approved for inclusion. Such structures must meet the criteria for inclusion in the RPS, i.e. must be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical point of view;


-Structures or works within Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs), or within the amenity of a National Monument, where exceptional circumstances apply


Eligible projects will be as follows:


-projects proposed by local authorities on foot of applications from private applicants who are the owners or custodians of historic structures

-projects proposed by a Local Authority for works to historic structures in public ownership, where a clear heritage focus and community or public benefit has been demonstrated


N.B. – Only one application to the HSF will be considered per historic structure


Deadline for submission of completed application is 4pm on Friday 17 January 2025.  All queries and applications should be sent to




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