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Historic Structures Fund (HSF)


Heritage and Conservation

Cavan County Council is inviting applications under a number of schemes for repairs or conservation projects within the Cavan area. This includes the Historic Structures Fund, which includes the following levels of funding:

  • STREAM 1 Minimum €15,000 - Maximum €50,000;

  • STREAM 1 HISTORIC SHOPFRONT SUBSTREAM Minimum €15,000 - Maximum €50,000;

  • STREAM 2 Minimum €50,000 - Maximum €200,000;

  • VERNACULAR STRUCTURES STREAM (non-protected) Minimum €5,000 - Maximum €10,000

While Cavan County Council facilitates the initial applications, the Department Housing, Local Government and Heritage operates and determines the final list of nationwide projects to be granted funding.

The primary focus of this scheme is the conservation and enhancement of historic structures and buildings for the benefit of communities and the public. Protected Structures, proposed Protected Structures and in certain cases, works to structures within Architectural Conservation Areas are eligible.

Stream 1 - Under Stream 1 the Department will consider only 3 applications per local authority from private owners or community groups and 1 application for a public building.

Stream 1 Historic Shopfronts - Under the Historic Shopfronts stream 2 additional applications per local authority can be considered for the conservation or refurbishment of a historic shopfront where 1 is for a English Language Shopfront and 1 is for an Irish Language Shopfront.

Stream 2 – This stream provides a higher amount of funding for large projects. Only 1 application per local authority from private owners or community groups and 1 application for a public building can be put forward.

A Vernacular Structures Stream also exists for conservation repairs to non-protected vernacular buildings. Only 1 application per local authority can be put forward.

It is a requirement of the Historic Structures Fund that the applicant engages an appropriately qualified conservation professional to oversee the work and for a comprehensive methodology to be submitted with the application.

The Guidance Circular on the Historic Structures Fund 2024, which explains the scheme and the Application Form, are available to download.

CLOSING DATE: The deadline for receipt of applications for this scheme is 5pm on Friday 19th January 2024.

Application forms along with the Application Checklist and relevant supplementary material should be emailed in either Word or PDF format. The size of the email with all attachments should not exceed 15MB

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